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the angel course

the june course: working on forgiveness

Regular price
$80.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$80.00 USD
forgiveness is a small price to pay for the prosperity it brings. it is the quickest and most effective way to experience healing, health, and happiness. true forgiveness is a conscious choice and an energetic release that allows us to free up space and open the flood gates to higher vibrations. anger and resentment keep the gates sealed shut and emotionally bind you to past experiences. your only enemy is yourself and your inability to let go. there is a way to transcend time and space and move forward into the present with ease and that way is the way of forgiveness. four-giveness: acceptance, compassion, patience, & letting go. be at peace. all is waiting to come to you.


daily livestreams 

evening meditations 3x a week

weekly workshops

daily inspiration

community support and accountability

live lectures

complimentary access to the graceful angel course womens teaching (@the.graceful.angel.course)

course structure:

the angel course is hosted on a private instagram page (@the.angel.course) classes are live but saved to igtv to access content when it's convenient for you. all members will have access to material from the previous courses throughout the 4 weeks. the account is a private and safe space for members from 6/1-6/30.

*all sales final*